Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Do you ever feel like you are the one that is outside of the lines? Disconnected...just peering in or rebellious...just being stubborn. It seams like life is just flying by and I am waiting to jump in and particiapate. Waiting for the time.

My youngest is in his final year of preschool. I cannot wait for it to be over. It seams like I have been waiting forever for the bit of freedom that comes with having your children in school full-time. But what am I waiting for? Will there be that freedom? I have been caring for young children 24/7 for almost 9 1/2 years. Where did all that time slip by.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Coloring Outside of the Lines

Just finished reading a post about a mom getting a note home from the kindergarten teacher. The second week of school and the teacher has some big concerns--her son colors outside of the lines and writes his name in all capital letters. I decided immediately that this would be a great title for a blog. Coloring Outside of the Lines. So here I am....I'm Coloring Outside the Lines.